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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Comparing Deep Self-Directed Learning and Teacher-Led Instruction in the Digital Era: Impact on Student Achievement, Learning Approach Preferences, and Expectations for Teacher

Weinie Li, Adibah Binti Abdul Latif

Open access

In the digital era, students can easily access and process learning resources, which enables them to engage in self-directed learning(SDL) and improve their learning skills. However, when comparing the effect of SDL with teacher-led instruction(TLI), it was found that SDL had no significant advantages regarding students’ learning achievement. This study integrated the elements of deep learning into SDL and compared it with the TLI to see if there were significant differences in students’ learning achievement. It also explored whether students have a preference for learning content regarding SDL or TLI and their expectations for teachers. The data was collected through six consecutive tests and a questionnaire. The findings revealed that the test results of TLI were usually better than those of SDL, but the difference in learning achievements between SDL and TLI was gradually smaller. It was suggested that the students need an adaptation period to deep SDL and a balanced approach incorporating SDL and TLI elements to maximize their learning achievements. Students tended to prefer SDL when the content was operational, specific, and practical. In contrast, they tended to prefer TLI when the content was abstract, theoretical, and complex. Those results highlighted the importance of adopting a flexible approach to accommodating diverse learning needs, content types, and evolving expectations for teachers.

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