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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Effective Reading Strategies for Success in the TOEFL Reading Section: A Comprehensive Review

Wang Jing, Aida Binti A. Rahman

Open access

This literature review will look at existing research on ways for improving TOEFL reading scores. The reading portion of the TOEFL test assesses non-native English speakers' ability to consume and comprehend academic literature, which is essential for success in an English-language academic setting. This study discusses key strategies for improving reading comprehension, vocabulary acquisition, and overall exam success, with a focus on the challenges faced by Chinese test takers. This work synthesizes and reviews previous research to give useful insights for educators and students, as well as instructional ideas for TOEFL preparation courses. The research findings aim to bridge the gap between theoretical frameworks and practical applications, resulting in a more targeted and effective method for learning the TOEFL reading exam.

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