ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Engaging ESL students in grammar lessons often poses challenges due to low interest and limited interactive opportunities. This study aims to measure the effectiveness of integrating TikTok into grammar lessons and investigate students' perceptions of using TikTok as a platform for learning grammar. Employing a quasi-experimental design, data were collected from secondary school students using pre-tests, post-tests, and structured questionnaires. The study draws on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to examine perceived usefulness, ease of use, and students' intentions to incorporate TikTok in their learning process. Results reveal that TikTok's engaging and visually dynamic features significantly enhance students’ grammar proficiency and classroom engagement. The pre-test and post-test analysis demonstrate improved performance among students who used TikTok, indicating its effectiveness as a supplementary grammar tool. Questionnaires show that students find TikTok accessible, user-friendly, and helpful for reinforcing grammar concepts taught in the classroom. Despite challenges such as digital accessibility and the need for guided usage, TikTok's integration presents a cost-effective, innovative approach to ESL grammar teaching. The findings support its potential as a transformative educational tool, promoting self-directed and student-centered learning. Educators are encouraged to explore TikTok as a resource to modernize and enrich grammar instruction in ESL contexts.
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