ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
English technical writing is one branch of communication that engineering students attain during their study at higher learning level in technical institution. Thus, this study aimed on the influence of a Mini-Research Project Module (MRP) on engineering students’ English technical writing skills. 134 engineering students were selected using a systematic sampling technique from four different intact mixed engineering classes of polytechnics located in two zones in Peninsular Malaysia. The four classes comprise two experimental groups and two control groups. A quasi-experimental quantitative research design with the Nonequivalent Groups Design (NEGD) method was employed. The study formulated two research questions and tested three hypotheses at a 0.05 significance level. Descriptive analysis and inferential statistics included a Paired-sample T-test and a One-way ANCOVA, were applied. Results revealed that usage of MRP module significantly increases English technical writing skills in experimental group students. The pre-test average score was observed to be 10.06, which raised to 19.39 in the post-test, representing a 92.79% increased. The results showed significant effects on the experimental group’s students’ skills in English technical writing after using the MRP module. Thus, this study recommended that using the MRP module could enhance students’ improvement in their English technical writing skills. Therefore, it is proposed that more technical institutions attempt modular learning approaches.
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