ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Badminton occupies a crucial position in China’s competitive sports sector. To maintain its leading status on the international competitive stage, it is essential to scientifically identify and cultivate potential young badminton athletes. The core objective of this study is to conduct an in-depth analysis of standardized data on potential youth badminton players in order to identify and develop badminton talent, thereby providing support for the smooth cultivation of sports talents, particularly in the Guangxi region of China and nationwide, to nurture future reserve forces for badminton. Currently, strategies for talent identification primarily focus on the evaluation of physical fitness and psychological traits. In contrast, this study extends to a comprehensive evaluation across four dimensions, including anthropometry, physiology, psychology, and sociology. The main goal and focus of this research are to conduct an integrated assessment of these attributes to provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the scientific selection and cultivation of badminton talent.
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