ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study aims to explore Higher Order Thinking skills (HOTs) elements and the internal snowball effect in the context of Outcome-based Education (OBE)-based hybrid learning in China's higher education. In this study, 150 first-year students at a Chinese university were collected by questionnaires. Descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were employed to explore Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills, and reveal the relationship between these factors. The results showed that four of the six hypotheses proposed in this study were supported, Analyzing and Creating abilities have direct impact on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills of student, and Evaluating has insignificance statistically on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. This study provides valuable guidance for educators to design more effective teaching strategies to enhance students' HOTs and improve inner relationship to realize virtuous cycle of learning.
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