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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Evaluation of Task-Based Teaching Method to Enhance Oral English Language Teaching among Teachers in China

Siti Salina Mustakim, Wu Shujia, Siti Sabihah Ghazali, Nuraini Jafri

Open access

The aim of this study is to enhance students' oral expression abilities by incorporating task-based teaching as an approach grounded in communicative competence. Employing a mixed research methodology that combines both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, the study utilized quantitative measures to evaluate the influence of the task-based approach on students' oral interest, responsiveness to questions, and topic narration through questionnaires and oral tests. Qualitative data, obtained through interviews with teachers, aimed to comprehend challenges in the implementation of the task-based teaching method. The findings indicate that task-based teaching significantly positively impacts students' interest in speaking, speaking performance, and topic narrative skills. However, challenges emerged during the implementation of the task-based teaching method, including inadequacies in task design relevance, insufficient assessment and feedback mechanisms, and a mismatch in task complexity and difficulty with the students' proficiency levels.

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Mustakim, S. S., Shujia, W., Ghazali, S. S., & Jafri, N. (2025). Evaluation of Task-Based Teaching Method to Enhance Oral English Language Teaching among Teachers in China. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 14(1), 1777–1794.