ISSN: 2226-6348
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This study investigates the role of effective feedback in enhancing students' academic achievement through virtual formative assessment in high schools in Bahrain. It aims to explore how different dimensions of feedback understanding, usefulness, timeliness, and motivational aspects affect students’ academic performance. A quantitative research design utilized a structured survey with 365 high school students as participants. The survey measured their perceptions of feedback using a Likert scale across various dimensions. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, and regression analysis to determine the impact of feedback on academic achievement. The study found that feedback understanding, usefulness, and motivation significantly influence students’ academic performance. Clear and actionable feedback was shown to improve students' academic outcomes. Timely feedback also had a positive impact, although its effect was less pronounced compared to other factors. Motivational feedback played a crucial role in enhancing students’ engagement and performance. Effective feedback is pivotal in improving academic achievement. Feedback that is comprehensible, useful, timely, and motivational positively influences students' performance. The findings highlight the need for educators to focus on delivering clear, relevant, and supportive feedback. This study contributes valuable insights into the educational context of Bahrain and offers practical recommendations for enhancing feedback practices in high schools.
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