ISSN: 2226-6348
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Active learning techniques are directly linked to positive effects on learning, as teachers and learners interact through them. Active techniques also enable learners to process solutions, to develop their critical abilities and to learn by doing. The use of active teaching techniques in Lifelong Learning Centres is considered to be very important, because adult learners experience a different learning environment, they are more independent, they take initiatives and they are responsible for their learning. The purpose of the research is to investigate the use and importance of active teaching techniques in Lifelong Learning Centres. The research was carried out through a qualitative method, using semi-structured interviews with open questions, in a random sample of 9 trainees, 8 trainers and 2 managers of Lifelong Learning Centres. The research showed that the active learning techniques affect the learning process positively. The educators also play an important role in that, since they organize and coordinate the learning process and encourage the learners.
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In-Text Citation: (Brinia et al., 2017)
To Cite this Article: Brinia, V., Nikitaki, A., & Kioulanis, S. (2017). Active Educational Techniques in Lifelong Learning Centers. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 6(1), 30-44.
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