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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Study on the Awareness of Secondary School Students in Turkey about Youth Centers

Rustem Orhan

Open access

The aim of this study is to reveal how much the secondary school students in Turkey know about the programs and activities carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports [Gençlik ve Spor Bakanl??? (GSB)] and to find out how many of them have ever participated in the activities led by GSB-affiliated Youth Centers. The research uses the data obtained from a 2014 GSB project titled "Mobile Youth Center-Young Volunteers Movement” carried out in 55 towns and villages of 33 different cities ". A semi-trailer and a caravan were rented to implement the project, and these vehicles were changed into mobile youth centers. The trailer was filled with educational, audiovisual, and sporting materials to offer to the service of young people in places to be visited, where no youth centers were available. The caravan served as an office where counseling services were offered to young students. In the study, a questionnaire was conducted to 1,500 secondary school students voluntarily participating in the research. The results analyzed by the SPSS program revealed that the ratio of secondary school students who know about GSB activities and programs was 35.5%, and the percentage of those participating in a program organized by provincial-district youth centers over the past year was 30.5%. The findings suggest that young people living in disadvantaged areas are not well informed about the programs organized by GSB and the participation rates in programs offered by youth centers are not sufficient.