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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility Program for Education in Government Banking of Malang

Dewi Sri Sejati, Budi Eko Soetjipto, Wening Patmi Rahayu

Open access

This study was done in two State-owned enterprise banking which are Bank Rakyat Indonesia and Bank Negara Indonesia. The aim of this study is to know the underlying reason of the companies do the activity of CSR for education and their startegies in implementing the CSR program for education. This study used qualitative research method with descriptive approach with multy sites study type. The result of this study showed that both companieshave less striking similarities and differences, since both banks are state-owned banks which have been recognized by the people in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility for education. The underlying reason for the company to do CSR activities is because of government regulations about the obligation of SOEs (BUMN) to implement CSR. The strategies of the two companies do not have a significant difference. Since the researcher conducted the research in the branch office that hascentral office, then all activities undertaken must get approval from the regional and central office by sending a letter of recommendation. As seen in the objectives of the Corporate Social Responsibility program undertaken by the company, there are things that cannot be separated with corporate objectives. The development of CSR for education is very useful for companies and corporate partners for the implementation of social activities and the achievement of corporate goals. As performed by BRI and BNI in carrying out CSR activities, BRI has included it in the Vision of the company, while BNI has included it on the Mission of the company so that the implementation of CSR is in line with corporate goals.