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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Fuzzy Delphi Method for Content Validation of Integrated Science Process Skills Instrument

Ellyza Karim, Jamil Ahmad, Kamisah Osman

Open access

The purpose of this paper is to obtain expert consensus on the writing of relevant items which allied their competency indicators of integrated science process skills. There are five constructs of integrated science process skills, namely formulating hypotheses, defining operationally, identifying and controlling variables, interpreting data, and experimenting. Verification is done by 13 experts in the field of science education using structured questionnaire aiming to validate the items-indicators to gain response about form one student’s ability on integrated science process skills. Questionnaire containing 26 items of 5-point Likert scale was given to experts. Consensus from the experts was further analysed using Fuzzy Delphi method. The study found that expert consensus on the items-indicators of integrated science process skills were more than 75% with the threshold value (d) ? 0.2 and ?-cut value ? 0.5.