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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Team Performance and Learning Organization of Employees

Canan Gamze BAL, Ibrahim FIRAT

Open access

Employees who have high level Intelligence Quotien (IQ) is not enough for today’s corporation. Workers also must have Emotional Intelligence (EQ) a certain extent to achieve success. In the corporate that employees who have high EQ, it seems that relations and connection can become much more effective, rise performance by creating team spirt, create work place more happy and peaceful. Despite, emotional intelligence, is individual concept, the role of emotions and emotional intelligence has increasingly came into prominence in researches.
In this study, especially, it was analyzed degree of influence of emotional intelligence on team performance and learning organization and also the mediation role of learning organization in the effect of emotional intelligence on team performance. Emotional intelligence was independent variable and team performance and learning organisation were dependent variables. Hierarchial structural equation modelling and mediator variable modelling are used at form of model.

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