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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Implementation Of Collaborative Learning Model Thinking Pair Share (TPS) And Arias To Improve Student Learning Results In Entrepreneurship Subjects

Ludi Wishnu Wardana, Edoh ., Gleydis Harwida

Open access

One of the goals of learning in schools is to improve student learning outcomes or achievement, therefore to improve student learning outcomes are needed innovation in learning activities. With attention to various concepts and learning theories developed a method of learning, one of which is the collaborative model of learning Think Pair Share (TPS) and ARIAS. This research aimed to improve the quality of the learning outcomes through the use of TPS and ARIAS method in the leaning processes. The implementing of the actions performed trough two cycles in which each cycle consists of four stages that are: (1) planning, (2) implementation, (3) observation, (4) reflection. The results of this study stated that: the implementation of TPS and ARIAS learning model on the Entrepreneurial for the tenth grader students of Marketing at SMK Negeri Sooko Mojokerto can improve students learning outcomes. When compared with the previous teacher replay success percentage that is equal to 71.19%, the average percentage of successful learning outcomes 1st cycle increased by 3.28%. The average percentage of successful learning outcomes Cycle 1 was 74.47%. When compared with the average percentage of successful student learning outcomes cycle 1, the average percentage of successful learning outcomes cycle 2 was increased by 1.57% with a success percentage of 76.04%.

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