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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Needs Analysis Research For Programming Education Program

Noraini Talib, Siti Fatimah Mohd Yassin, Mohd Khalid Mohd Nasir

Open access

This study was conducted to analyse the needs of computer programming education. The research design used was a case study and a total of 30 participants has taken part in this study. All participants are among programming coach, teachers and lecturers. Data collection has been analysed using thematic analysis techniques. The findings show that each dimension of the needs analysis, research succeeds in obtaining specific themes and could be used as a foundation to develop teaching and learning programming module. The results of the analysis find that two essential elements still need further research and need to be done separately. The first requirement element requiring further and separate study is how to produce assessment rubrics that contain benchmarks equivalent to the expertise thinking of the programmer. Research that needs to be done is to explore the creative processes that occur in the programmer's mind. The second requirement element is how the instructors develop coaching skills based on technology knowledge, pedagogy and teaching content as well as the issues and challenges faced.

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