ISSN: 2226-6348
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In recent years, several studies have examined the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of university faculty in developed countries, little is known about lecturers’ job satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the developing countries like vietnam. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the relationship between job satisfaction and demographic, institutional characteristics of university academic members in the technology and science fields. The study used a questionnaire to survey with 150 academic members from three public universities was selected as a statistical sample. Three universities were used in pilot study to act as pre-test to the instruments of data collection to ensure their reliability. This study of data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and regression analysis by statistical package for social science software. The study showed that most respondents were satisfied in their job. There were significant difference in job satisfaction level based on gender, national graduation, and discipline. The present analysis found that job satisfaction of academic members significantly affected by their demographic and institutional factors. Recommendations on the study’s findings to the management of university are also discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Minh-Quang, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Minh-Quang, D. (2013). The Effects of Demographic and Institutional Characteristics on Job Satisfaction of University Faculty in Vietnam. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development. 2(4), 81-96
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