ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
New technologies, demands from the customers or clients, changing of procedure and/or business direction give new insight and impact to the organizations. Whether they are ready or not, the organizations need to respond and follow the trends and updates. Thus, it is important for the organizations to ensure that the Information Technology (IT) structure and respective systems application meet those changes. The organization’s IT infrastructure should well design and works accordingly so that it be able to support the organization’s operational and transactional processes. A number of studies conducted in measuring IT infrastructure flexibility. The researchers and scholars have taken into account to measures it either as the dependent variable, mediating variable or independent variable. The determination and justification of its selection were referred to its functionality and case of sturdy. Therefore, this current study has reviewed several studies on IT infrastructure flexibility across fields, scopes, and contexts in getting grown view the use of IT infrastructure concept.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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