ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This paper highlights the demand towards recordkeeping metadata standardization for electronic health records system integration. It is aims to develop a recordkeeping metadata framework for electronic health records system integration in Malaysian government hospital. This paper explores surrounding the results of the data analysis regarding various international and national best practices of metadata standards and guidelines of electronic health records management across selected organizations in Unites States, United Kingdom, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, and Malaysia. The analysis main focus is to identify the metadata elements requirements in those various international and national best practices. There are three steps in the compilation of metadata elements requirement which includes identifying, analyzing and combining. The data collection method in done through Scopus analyze tools and document analysis. The results of the analysis reveal the leading countries that would be the benchmarks for the selection of international and national best practices. The investigation of national standard tells that there were no comprehensive metadata standard and guidelines develop and use as guidance in the management and integration of electronic health records system in Malaysian government hospital. Therefore, the researchers have to analyze six metadata standards to successfully identify the metadata elements of electronic records management and health records management that are relevant to the study. It is hoped that the compilation of the metadata elements required for electronic health records system integration will contribute to automated recordkeeping functionality and improved the capability of the system integration in EHR as well as empowered the benefit of recordkeeping management.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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