ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper aims to identify observation method encompasses sampling criteria, observation instrument, validation and reliability observation instrument and procedure for child care provider and teacher’s pedagogy of play in Project Determining Contributing Factors of Quality Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). Observation instrument and the guideline are prepared by the researchers to assess child care provider and teacher’s pedagogy of play to achieve Standard of Quality Malaysian ECCE. Observation instruments for pedagogy of play were determined based on child care provider or teacher and child interaction; indoor and outdoor environment and pedagogy of play activities quality. The section of this instrument contains 4 levels of assessment namely Quality, Standard, Element and Indicator. The sample selection for observation suggested by agencies such as Ministry of Education; Department of National Unity and Integration, Prime Ministry Department; PERMATA Division, Prime Ministry Departmant; Ministry of Rural and Regional Development; non-governmental organizations and association based on the National Child Data Centre, Malaysia, PERMATA Q Marks Score, Malaysia, National Preschool Quality Standards, Malaysia, the achievement of Compliance Standard from Department and Ministry of Rural and Regional Development and and best practices proposed by associations. It is hoped that these process of observation method can identify the validation of observation method on pedagogy of play for selected child care provider in nursery and teacher in kindergarten in this project.
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In-Text Citation: (Luen, Radzi, Mamat, Yassin, & Yusoff, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Luen, L. C., Radzi, N. M. M., Mamat, N., Yassin, S. M., & Yusoff, S. I. M. (2018). Observation Methods for Child Care Provider and Teacher’s Pedagogy of Play. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(3), 530–538.
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