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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development of Agro-Entrepreneurs through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Sarmila, M.S., Zaimah, R., Novel Lyndon, Rosniza Aznie Che Rose, Rosmiza, M.Z.

Open access

Agro- entrepreneurship is a strategy that has been undertaken by many countries globally in the effort to increase the wellbeing of farmer’s community, particularly in the rural area. However, the development of agro-entrepreneur need a supportive environment and also support from relevant agencies to make it a reality. Hence, the private sector should come forward to assist. This paper discusses the contribution of CSR program by a multinational company towards farmer’s community in Malaysia and the development of Agro-entrepreneur through the implementation of the CSR project. A total of 45 farmers that involved with the project were interviewed to explore their experience as the participants and to gain understanding on how the farmers being developed to become agro-entrepreneur. The research adopts a qualitative approach and data were analyzed using thematic analysis procedures with the help of Nvivo software. The research themes help to explain the factors that assist in developing agro-entrepreneurs among the community involved with the CSR project.

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In-Text Citation: (Sarmila, Zaimah, Lyndon, Rose, & Rosmiza, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Sarmila, M. S., Zaimah, R., Lyndon, N., Rose, R. A. C., & Rosmiza, M. Z. (2018). Development of Agro-Entrepreneurs through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(13 Special Issue: Community Development & Social Mobility), 11–21.