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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Financial Well-being of Married Workers in Malaysia

Zaimah, R., Jariah Masud, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Abdul Hair Awang, Sarmila, M.S., Azima, A.M., Suhana Saad

Open access

This study aims to identify the level of financial well-being of married workers in the public sectors of Malaysia. The sample comprises of married and dual-income workers in the public sector. The unit of analysis is the individual, either the husband or the wife. A total number of 415 respondents participated in this survey. The measurement of financial well-being uses the scale of Malaysian Financial Well-Being Scale (MFWBS). The financial well-being is categorized into 3 levels; lower level is 1.0-4.0 (low), the moderate level is 5.0-6.0 (moderate), and the highest level is 7.0-10.0 (high). Research results show 40 per cent of the respondents are in the highest category of financial well-being, 49 per cent is in the moderate level of financial well-being and 11 per cent in the low level of financial well-being. Finally, the finding concludes the level of financial well-being of married, dual-income workers in the public sectors are in the moderate level.

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In-Text Citation: (Zaimah et al., 2018)
To Cite this Article: Zaimah, R., Masud, J., Haron, S. A., Awang, A. H., Sarmila, M. S., Azima, A. M., & Saad, S. (2018). Financial Well-being of Married Workers in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(13) Special Issue: Community Development & Social Mobility, 169–177.