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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Career Transition Practice from Student Development Aspect: Best Practices in the Implementation of Special Skills Certificate Program in Malaysian Community College

Ardzulyna Anal, Aznan Che Ahmad, Abd Rahim Razalli, Low Hui Min

Open access

For every human being, career is essential in ensuring a better quality of life. This similarly applies to disabled people who are born with disabilities, be it physical, visual, sensory, intellectual or any other disabilities that make them face various challenges to ensure that they are able to obtain career opportunities appropriate to their abilities. This situation led to the need to conduct a study aimed at exploring the best practices in the transition practice to career in terms of student development, especially students with disabilities from the perspective of lecturers at Selayang Community College who are involved in teaching the Special Skills Certificate Program. Qualitative approach with case study design was used in this research. The researcher used the in-depth interview method using semi structural interview questions to collect data. For the purpose of selecting respondents, the researcher used a purposive sampling technique involving three lecturers. The findings show that elements such as the teaching of living skills, career-related teaching and working experience are among the best practices that need to be applied effectively in the implementation of a career transition so that these special need students are adequately equipped to go to work. At the end of the research, researchers also suggested several other approaches for further research in the area of career transition.