ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Edmodo is a social media concept of virtual education which helps teachers, students and parents in a form of new style of learning. Current developments have witnessed a change in the way of students learning in line with technological developments. This study was conducted using an action research model adapted from Kemmis and Mc Taggart (1988), which aims to identify students’ feedback on the use of this application in PDP Moral Education. This qualitative research involving 23 pupils Moral Education Form 4, from 3 classes of all races comprising china, india and etc. Data were analyzed using analysis of documents and interviews focus groups through theme analysis method. The findings showed that Edmodo application has given a very good feedback from the students during the teaching session. Edmodo app has encouraged students to learn as they are interested in learning using this method , style and use of multimedia technology-based education. The feedback also showed that application of Edmodo has been able to improve their knowledge through induction set, read the notes using the web, Blind Spaces application and through interactive activities generated. These findings has provide new ideas in the process of teaching moral education in school pedagogy and also support the transformation of education in line with Malaysian Education Blueprint (PPPM 2013-2025) which is to make technology as a medium of teaching styles.
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In-Text Citation: (Lokman, Yusoff, Khalid, & Nasri, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Lokman, H. F., Yusoff, N. M. R. N., Khalid, F., & Nasri, N. M. (2018). The Feedback of Using Edmodo Application in Teaching and Learning of Moral Education in Secondary School. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 246–254.
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