Teaching is a systematic plan to achieve a learning objective. As a profession it is taken as a mission to mold the young. There are three basic methods of teaching used by the instructors namely: teacher-centered, student-centered and focus-centered method. This research aimed to determine the different methods used by the faculty members and the learning preference of the engineering students that would help in attaining good coordination leading to students’ academic learning. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study with 100 engineering students as the respondents. Based on the data gathered, professors often used teacher-centered method while content-focused method is considered the most preferred by the students. From these results, an enhancement program was designed for the students to be able to cope with the teaching styles for their effective learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Abanador et al., 2014)
To Cite this Article: Abanador, J. R., Buesa, G. C. D., Remo, G. M. L., & Mañibo, J. (2014). Teaching Methods and Learning Preferences in the Engineering Department of an Asian University. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 3(1), 1–14.
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