ISSN: 2226-6348
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The 21st century is a period of turbulence, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, leading to effective leadership becoming more and more important. The strategies we use in education will soon become outdated and we need to generate new strategies to ensure that schools have credibility and continue to be relevant.. The study aims to build a model of learning organization in the 21st century classroom at SM Science Sultan Mahmud. The learning organization in this study refers to five core disciplines namely system thinking, personal mastery, mission sharing and vision, mental model and team learning that explain the importance of learning organization developed. Therefore, this study integrates learning organization disciplines to develop a learning organization model in the 21st century class at SESMA (MOP21-SESMA). The construction of this model is carried out by qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection for the first phase is through semi structured interview methods. Data were analyzed using qualitative analysis methods. For the second phase the data are collected through a random sampling method. The interview findings were analyzed using qualitative methods involving the process of reducing, coding and categorizing data. Identified items are used to form questionnaires for second round sessions to build instruments. The process of analyzing data is run with the help of Statistic Package for the social Ver. 19 (SPSS 19). For Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) descriptive analysis procedures to test the validity of the study variables, it developed the model of learning organization in the 21st century class at SM Science Sulltan Mahmud. The findings show that all dimensions are the dimensions of the organization's vision and mission, climate and organizational structure, 21st century organizational leadership, 21st century individual learning and 21st century collective learning culture have the accuracy of the fortune-tellers. In conclusion, this study has produced a MOP21-SESMA model for guidance and indicators for school leaders to improve school performance, especially in schools in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Salleh, Jusoh, Embong, & Mamat, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Salleh, M., Jusoh, A., Embong, R., & Mamat, M. (2018). Learning Organizational Model in the 21th Century Classroom at Sultan Mahmud Science Secondary School in Terengganu, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 7(4), 410–426.
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