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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The usage of Wopzzle in Enriching Pupils’ Mastery of Vocabulary Learnt

Chow Kuok Feng, Kev Yi Beng , Melor Md Yunus

Open access

Vocabulary is the core when learning a new language. However, most of the learners are not able to master the vocabulary learnt, therefore, enriching the mastery of vocabulary learnt is crucial for L2 learners. Teaching medium such as ICT has gained its popularity among teachers since it helps to create alternative environment to L2 learners. This action research attempted to investigate the effectiveness of using Wopzzle to enrich pupils’ mastery of vocabulary learnt. Wopzzle is an innovative teaching medium using the features of hyperlink, picture and sound clip in Microsoft Powerpoint. The participants of this research comprised of a total of 30 pupils from Year 1. 15 were chosen from SJKC A, Pahang and another 15 were selected from SJKC B, Perlis. A set of pre and post-test was given to the participants before and after to measure the level of enrichment in mastering the vocabulary learnt. The findings revealed that Wopzzle is an effective tool to enrich the mastery of vocabulary learnt among Year 1 pupils. The results of this study may be beneficial to English teachers to incorporate ICT into their teaching. Future research is suggested to investigate the use of Wopzzle on other Year of pupils.

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In-Text Citation: (Feng, Beng, & Yunus, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Feng, C. K., Beng, K. Y., & Yunus, M. M. (2019). The usage of Wopzzle in Enriching Pupils’ Mastery of Vocabulary Learnt. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 45–53.