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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Flipped Classrooms in Teaching Method Courses at Universities

Hamdi Serin, Alfer Khabibullin

Open access

The expectation from education is to bring 21st century learning skills to the new global and digital world students, as we the world progresses rapidly towards an information society. In this direction, learners should be able to create their own knowledge rather than just receive it; to be active in the learning process, and to discover new information and be able to transfer it. Developments in technology provide great opportunities for students to access and explore knowledge on their own. Together with these developments, the exploration for a learning environment, which will especially provide 21st century skills to students, is continuing. It can be said that the flipped classroom has important potential for students to gain 21st century skills. With the flipped classroom, the classroom time spent for the explanation of courses is moved out of the classroom, and it is aimed to also gets the students` to use experience the application of such info/knowledge internalize the students' knowledge in practice during the class. In accordance with the flipped classroom model, this article aims at first, introducing the measurement and evaluation processes of suitable teaching methods, second, suggesting different activities inside and outside of the classroom, and, third, designing Web 2.0 applications that would help us realize the suggested method.

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In-Text Citation: (Serin & Khabibullin, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Serin, H., & Khabibullin, A. (2019). Flipped Classrooms in Teaching Method Courses at Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(1), 573–585.