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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Use of Feedback in the Classroom Assessment: A Case Study

Senin Khamis, Asri Selamat

Open access

Assessment and feedback are a crucial element in providing pupils’ learning performance in the classroom. This study aims to explore the practice of using feedback in classroom assessment among the primary school - Cluster School of Excellence teachers in Malacca. In particular, it provides information on understanding the concept of classroom assessment and evaluates the practice of giving feedback towards pupils’ learning outcomes. This qualitative study involved 8 teachers, 4 core subject teachers in Malay, English, Science and Mathematics and 4 teachers involved in the management of assessments namely the Headmaster, Senior Administrative Assistant, School Assessment Coordinator and SIC + who were chosen as the research sample to be interviewed. The findings concerning the understanding of the concept and the function of classroom assessment for primary school Cluster Excellence teachers are very clear. The findings of the practice of giving feedback to pupils' work indicate that the practice is common however the feedback information is very limited in use among teachers.

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In-Text Citation: (Khamis & Selamat, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Khamis, S., & Selamat, A. (2019). The Use of Feedback in the Classroom Assessment: A Case Study. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(3), 325–334.