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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Influence of Learning Organization Practices toward Teacher Leadership among Secondary School Teachers in State of Perak

Mahaliza Mansor, Jamal @ Nordin Yunus, Fanny Kho Chee Yuet, Khalip Musa, Mohd Asri Mohd Noor

Open access

This study focused on the influence of learning organization practice toward teacher leadership among secondary school teachers in the state of Perak. The quantitative approach of descriptive correlational design has been used in this study. The sample consists of 400 teachers from 50 secondary schools in Perak. The data were analyzed using mean and multiple regression. Findings indicate that the level of organizational learning practice (mean = 3.78) is at a high level. In addition, the results show that the learning organizational variables, which is individual learning (? = 0.57, p = 0.05) is the main influence on teacher leadership and followed by global learning (? = 0.25, p = 0.05). A total of 53 percent of variation in teacher leadership is explained by learning organizational variables. In conclusion, the practices of learning organization definitely influence teacher leadership secondary school in Perak. The implications of the study show that learning organization practice can enhance the teacher leadership and it is appropriate to be practiced in all schools for the development of the school.

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In-Text Citation: (Mansor, Yunus, Yuet, Musa, & Noor, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Mansor, M., Yunus, J. @ N., Yuet, F. K. C., Musa, K., & Noor, M. A. M. (2019). The Influence of Learning Organization Practices toward Teacher Leadership among Secondary School Teachers in State of Perak. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(4), 91–102.