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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Market Orientation in the Public Health Sector of Mutare, Zimbabwe

Noah Ariel Mutongoreni, Dr. Nelson Jagero

Open access

This study undertook an assessment of market orientation in the Public Health Sector of Mutare, Zimbabwe. This study focused on five health centers in Mutare which are Mutare General Hospital, Sakubva Hospital, Dangamvura Clinic, Chikanga clinic and Mutare Infectious Disease Hospital. A total of 50 questionnaires were sent out and 35 questionnaires were returned. This represented a total return of 70%.The principal finding of the research is that the Public Health Sector in Mutare, Zimbabwe exhibits a degree of market orientation. The research also found out barriers inhibiting development of market orientation which are to do with people and organizational structures. The study found out that marketing as a concept in the Public Health Sector in Mutare is not well understood. Management tends not to understand the importance of marketing in a not for profit organizational setting. Lack of this understanding impact negatively in the development of market orientation in the Public Health Sector in Mutare. It is therefore the contention of this study that both staff and management ought to be trained on the importance of market orientation. There is also a need for management to be trained in the area of entrepreneurship as this would engender a culture that fosters market orientation.