ISSN: 2226-6348
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This paper discusses the examples found in the Malay and Arab Nature in the book Hidayah al-Muta'allim Wa 'Umdah al-Mu'allim the most famous scholars in the Malay World Sheikh Daud a-Fatani. This book is analyzed in a qualitative study by collecting data based on literature study and documentation study. The main document is the book of scripts comprising four copies of the manuscript and a printed copy. The data obtained were analyzed using inductive, deductive, comparative and philological methods. Syeikh Daud al-Fatani is the most famous Patani scholar in the Malay World and prolific for the many works produced. Hidayah al-Muta'allim Wa 'Umdah al-Mu'allim which was completed in 1828 AD is the most famous work in which it is the most complete Jawi manuscript of his discussion of fiqh science covering the fiqh chapter of fiqh until the last chapter. Keywords: Malay and Arabic; book; Hidayah al-Muta'allim Wa 'Umdah al-Mu'allim
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, R. A., Noh, N. C., Ibrahim, A. Q., Rahman, N. E. A., Awang, N. A., Embong, R., Mustapha, A. S. (2019). Malay and Arab Worlds in The Manuscript of Hidayah Al-Muta’allim Wa ‘Umdah Al-Mu’allim: The Essay of Sheikh Daud Al-Fatani. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(4), 525–532.
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