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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Teacher Ethical Principles and Practice in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Same District of Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania

Abrahim Youze, Hotamo Fanta, Yona Balyage, Lazarus Ndiku Makewa

Open access

The intention of this study was to find out how students from Adventist secondary schools in Same District of Tanzania evaluated their teachers’ practice of ethical principles. The evaluation addressed the following research variables: behavior and conduct of teachers, relationship of teacher with both students and fellow workers, assessment of teachers’ performance of duties and finally teachers’ personality. The study used descriptive – comparative research design based on a cross- sectional survey. Questionnaires were administered to two groups, namely, teachers and students, three hundred twenty two being students (322) and thirty five (35) teachers. The findings revealed that while teachers evaluated themselves and their fellow workers as best, students rated their teachers’ practice of ethical principles as averagely good. On the contrary, students and teachers indicated that cases of teachers having sexual encounters with students, teachers requesting for financial, sexual and other favors from students or family members and unfair treatment of students do occur. Generally, the study revealed that teachers related well with fellow workers, participated in beneficial activities for the school and communicated with kind words. However, students noted that teachers were not treating them equally and fairly.

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In-Text Citation: (Youze et al., 2014)
To Cite this Article: Youze, A., Fanta, H., Balyage, Y., & Makewa, L. N. (2014). Teacher Ethical Principles and Practice in Seventh-day Adventist Secondary Schools in Same District of Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 3(1), 90–106.