ISSN: 2226-6348
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This concept paper aims to identify learning using a metacognitive strategy in reading skill. The skill of reading and understanding text is a key goal to enhance knowledge and the key to success for an individual. In fact, in the learning of reading skill, a focus must be given to the aspects of comprehension and reasoning to achieve success in reading. In addition, the reader needs to know that the reading process is conscious and provides meaning to the reader. The reader needs to create awareness of his reading while focusing on the content of the text being read. By using an effective strategy while reading, the students may know and identify the level of reading comprehension. The metacognitive strategy needs to be applied during the reading process to make sense of the text. The metacognitive means the awareness of thinking or thinking about thought. The metacognitive strategy, too, refers to a way of improving the reading skill which is awareness that includes planning, monitoring, and evaluation. Students can apply the metacognitive strategy and control their learning through the process of designing what they want to learn, monitoring their learning progress and students can evaluate what they learn. The strategy found in the metacognitive can enhance students' learning and intelligence.
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In-Text Citation: (Sarman et al., 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sarman, R., Sabil, A. M., Othman, S., & Said, R. R. (2019). Usage of Metacognitive Strategy in Reading Skill of Malay Essay Text. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 8(4), 1043–1052.
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