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International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-3624

Regional Development and Inequality of Income Distribution

Nasfi Fkili Wahiba

Open access

This paper is interested in the study of income distribution among Tunisian governorates on the basis of an analysis of regional inequalities taking into account the disparities between the different governorates. The calculation of inter-regional inequality wage distribution is conducted by the Gini index.
The estimation of an econometric model for the case of Tunisia proves that interest should be given to improving infrastructure and to better location of foreign direct investment. Similarly, consideration should be given to regional development through the strengthening of the means to support each region in order to consolidate the decentralization of investment.
Thus, in order to guarantee equal opportunities for all Tunisians, regardless of their geographical location, Tunisia must raise the Regional Development as the top priority because it represents a powerful tool for the realization of equality.

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(Wahiba, 2014)
Wahiba, N. F. (2014). Regional Development and Inequality of Income Distribution. International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 3(2), 45–52.