ISSN: 2226-6348
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Subtitling Malay films into English in Malaysia presents particular constrictions and defies for subtitlers, as the two languages have very little in common and presents a number of the untranslatability elements. Upin & Ipin is Malaysian television series produced by Les’ Copaque Production, which feature the life of the twin brothers in a fictional Malaysian village. The series was first introduced on 2007 and can be considered as one of the most successful animated television series in Malaysia, and thus has been extended to film version. However, the animation represents significantly unique language has led to a significant concern on their subtitling. Hence, this article aimed to investigate the strategies utilized in the film Upin & Ipin. The research used Baker’s (1992) model of translation strategies to classify the translation strategies by comparing the subtitles in the source and target texts. The result of the study found translation by omission, elaboration and paraphrasing to be to most frequent strategies used in the movie. It is hoped that this study could serve as a reference for other translation research on subtitling to and from other languages in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Halim, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Halim, H. A. (2020). Malay - English Translation Strategies in Malaysian Children’s Film Subtitles. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(1), 248–260.
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