With the explosion of Industrial Revolution 4.0 the Malaysian Education system faces positive challenges in the Teaching and Learning Process (PdPc) of the country. In line with the Malaysia Education Blueprint (PPPM) 2013-2025 these challenges have set in motion a series of changes in the KSSM. These changes require the Visual Arts subject teachers in secondary schools master the skills of The 21st Century Teaching and Learning Process in classrooms. This research aims to identify the analysis of necessity in the element of constructing a Module for The Teaching of Ornamentation KSSM. This research applies the quantitative method by implementing the Fuzzy Delphi Technique to obtain the research data through the use of questionnaire instruments on Phase 1 level. The total number of respondents involved in this research are 30 Visual Arts subject teachers. The reliability of the instrument of this research is high based on Cronbach’s Alpha which is 0.868. The research findings show that knowledge creates a communicative environment amongst Form 3 Visual Arts subject teachers with the highest Fuzzy Score of 0.713. The development of the Module for the Teaching of Ornamentation KSSM for Visual Arts subject is an effort to aid the Visual Arts subject teachers in secondary schools to control and manage the Teaching and Learning Process (PdPc) in classrooms.
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In-Text Citation: (Sandra et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Sandra, G., Arif, H. A., Salleh, N. S. M., & Noor, A. I. M. (2020). A Module for the Teaching of Ornamentation, Visual Arts Subject KSSM: An Analysis of Necessity. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 192–204.
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