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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

A Powerful of Digital Storytelling to Support Education and Key Elements from Various Experts

M. Kogila, Abu Bakar Ibrahim, Che Zalina Zulkifli

Open access

Technological devices are commonly used in different styles and for several uses with educational systems. Instructors have to avoid using technology together with the utmost effectiveness but to additionally serve as role models for pupils in regards to the correct use of technology. Different methods, strategies, equipment, along with tools are used to enhance the effectiveness of coaching and learning operations in the classroom, of that Digital Storytelling is among them. Digital Storytelling (DST) has transformed into a good educational tool for both students and teachers. This paper offers a review of DST as well as portrays where it originated from, how it really well may be utilized to help guide as well as how understudies that discover the way to whip their own advanced stories improve a lot of instruction abilities. What's more often, info is shown about the device which might be utilized to help the instructive utilization of DST. This paper, in addition, has a discussion on the usefulness of DST as being an instructional media program employed in the education process. The goal of this paper is to present the main components of DST used by specialists in DST concepts. This study also discussed the overview of DST combined with the learning atmosphere, particulars specific DST modals and determined the essential elements of DST from several experts to be able to centralize them to cultivate the framework with support different ICT technology. Moreover, the paper covers the justification for the selection of past studies related to main important elements of DST.

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In-Text Citation: (Kogila et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Kogila, M., Ibrahim, A. B., & Zulkifli, C. Z. (2020). A Powerful of Digital Storytelling to Support Education and Key Elements from Various Experts. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 408–420.