ISSN: 2226-6348
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The application of soft skills in the Malay language subject is one of the cross-curriculum approach that must be implemented by the in their teaching and learning process. Soft skills are included of seven elements; communication skills, creative thinking skills, continuous learning, teamwork, leadership, ethical and moral skills, and entrepreneurial skills. Through the seven elements of skills, researcher has selected the teamwork skills by applying the mind stimulus card that has been used in the Malay language lesson. Based on the Malaysia Education Blueprint 2013-2025, the Ministry of Education has outlined a number of learning features that must be obtained by the students. Therefore, researcher has developed the mind stimulus card to examine the development of the team work skills in four different schools. The process of collecting data is done by using the observation method. The observations were conducted on the 75 students that have been selected as the respondent in this study. The finding showed that the development of the students’ teamwork was at the high level. In conclusion, the application of the mind stimulus card in the Malay language lesson was able to enhance the development of the student’s teamwork.
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In-Text Citation: (Horsi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Horsi, N. S. M., Horsi, S. S. M., & Othman, I. (2020). The Application of Mind Stimulus Card in Malay Language Learning Towards the Development of Student’s Teamwork Skills. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 473–482.
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