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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Mastery of the Information Transfer Skills in Malay Language Towards the Student’s Continuous Learning

Nor Samsiyah M. Horsi, Siti Suraiyah M. Horsi, Ikhsan Othman

Open access

The mastery of the information transfer skills in Malay language is important to identify the students’ ability to success in any subject. This is because the subjects have been taught required the students to master and transfer the information obtained. This is because the process of students’ ability to master in the subject also relates with their continuous learning lesson. Students who are able to master in information transfer skills will surely hone their skills in order to keep learning continuously. Based on the Malaysia Education Blue Print 2013-2025, the Ministry of Education intends to ensure the students will master the continuous learning elements that have been implemented by the teachers in their lesson. Thus, students need to master in information transfer skills to enable them to continuously proficient in their continuous learning. This study was carried out to examine the mastery of the information transfer skills in Malay language towards the students’ continuous learning. The researcher has been using the 21st century learning activities in their Malay language lesson to identify the level of the students’ continuous learning development. The finding showed that the mastery of the information transfer skills has a significant effect on the students’ continuous learning. This study has been done through the observation by the teachers who taught Malay language throughout the 21st century learning activities. In addition, the researcher has conducted the interviews with the teachers and students to identify the students’ continuous learning development. The data collected through the document analysis also has been analysed to identify the frequency of the students’ behaviour towards the continuous learning. This study can be used by the teachers to ensure that the information transfer skills are aligned with the students’ continuous learning.

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In-Text Citation: (Horsi et al., 2020)
To Cite this Article: Horsi, N. S. M., Horsi, S. S. M., & Othman, I. (2020). The Mastery of the Information Transfer Skills in Malay Language Towards the Student’s Continuous Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 494–508.