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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

The Design of GIFTED Motivation Module Using the ADDIE Model Approaches Among the Gifted and Talented Students

Amnah Zanariah Abd Razak, Sahlan Surat, Rosadah Abd Majid

Open access

This study aims explore the process of development of GIFTED motivational module using the Design and Development Research (DDR) approach using the ADDIE Model. The development of the GIFTED motivational module for social issues involves the issues of perfectionism, social anxiety and overexcitabilities. Based on the analysis report on the need for perfectionism issues, social anxiety and overexcitabilities are three most common issues experienced by talented students. It is important to address the socio-emotional gap that occurs among these gifted and talented students by developing an intervention module to address this issue. The design and development of this module used the ADDIE approach because the ADDIE model is a systematic model based on a well-defined implementation strategy that can provide good input to the instruction module. The ADDIE model has also been widely used and is ideal as a basis for the development of the GIFTED module. The ADDIE model consists of five phases namely; a) analysis, b) design, c) development, d) implementation e) evaluation. The results of this five-phase study have established a strong motivational module with expert consent as well as a high validity and reliability. Furthermore, in each phase there is an enhancement process for modifying the module to achieve the planned objectives. The final evaluation results of this module prove that this module can assist the process of socio-emotion competence for gifted and talented students.

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In-Text Citation: (Razak & Majid, 2020)
To Cite this Article: Razak, A. Z. A. S. S., & Majid, R. A. (2020). The Design of GIFTED Motivation Module Using the ADDIE Model Approaches Among the Gifted and Talented Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 9(2), 509–517.