ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
Social networking sites such as (Facebook) FB have become popular among millions of users including higher education students. It has become a significant part of students’ life. Consequently, there is more and more discuss over the potential of this site to support academic purposes. In this context, this paper explores whether FB have a place for academic purposes among Iranian higher education students by investigating whether they find opportunities to use FB for educational purposes related activities and what is the students’ perception toward using FB for academic purposes. Data were collected using survey questionnaire which was carried out among 70 undergraduate students at one of universities in Iran. The findings of the study confirmed that there is not a significant difference between male and female samples in the academic use of FB
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In-Text Citation: (Leila & Khodabandelou, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Leila, K., & Khodabandelou, R. (2013). Perspective of Iranian University Students about Academic Use of Social Networking Sites: A Study of Facebook. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(3), 57–69.
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