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International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2226-6348

Mathematics Learning Module Based on Character Learning: A Proposal of The Study

Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah, N. A. A. Rahim

Open access

This study is a research proposal paper that aims to develop mathematics teaching and learning modules based on character education. This study uses development design guided by ADDIE model. The analysis process will use a quantitative approach. The validity and reliability processes to be carried out are the content validity level, content validity index and Cronbach’s alpha analysis. Sampling techniques are intended to be used to select samples for validity and reliability purposes. The sample is among mathematics education experts, module experts, Language experts and students. This study is expected to have an impact on educators in conducting module development systematically. It is hoped that the module developed can be used as a guide to all education, especially mathematics educators in implementing the teaching and learning process based on character education. This study will help the Malaysian Ministry of Education to achieve the mission, vision and aspirations of the country's education in the future.