This paper presents data from self-declared behaviour of pupils’ involvement in negative activities that are often occurred in Malaysian urban secondary schools that are pupils’ involvement in skipping classes, smoking cigarette, bullying, cheating in exams and vandalising properties. This study used a survey research design to investigate pupils’ involvement in acclivities. A set of questionnaire was used to collect data from 15 urban schools in Malaysia. Results from this study revealed that cheating and truancy are the often problem behaviour exhibited in schools. Result also found that more boys involved in negative activities compared to girls. Socio-demographic analyses demonstrated that pupils from low-academic families are more likely to involve in negative activities compact to others. Results also found that more Malay reported to involve in negative activities compared to other ethnicities. Overall finding suggests that pupils may not see their involvement in such activities as problematic. It can be argued they may have different perceptions regarding the seriousness level of such activities.
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In-Text Citation: (Awang et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Awang, M. M., Ahmad, A. R., & Awang, M. S. (2021). Socio-Demographic Analysis of Pupils Involvement in Negative Activities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 10(1), 304-310.
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