ISSN: 2226-6348
Open access
This review focuses specifically on researches which have been conducted in relation to technology use in the classroom. In specific, the review explores on past studies which investigated the implementation of technology-based pedagogy in primary school science subjects. This review revolves around the impact of internet accessibility on the use of technology to teach science. The review aimed at exploring the extent of internet accessibility that affects the implementation of technology-based Science pedagogy in the classroom. It also aimed to identify the elements of internet accessibility that create effective internet connection for schools to conduct technology-based Science pedagogy. The review also explored the relationship between elements of internet accessibility and the actual implementation of technology-based Science pedagogy in schools. It used a method of reviewing the research articles based on two separate layers which justify the perspectives of teachers and the reality of the internet and the infrastructure in the schools. A total of 42 research papers were reviewed. The review concluded that the core aspects that impact use of technology in teaching science in the classroom are internet speed, connectivity, maintenance of infrastructure and technical support for teachers. The implication of this review is that there is a need to conduct more research in Malaysia that analyses the actual bandwidth in the schools and its impact upon teaching and learning in STEM-related subjects.
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In-Text Citation: (Krishnamoorthy & Soh, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Krishnamoorthy, K., & Soh, T. M. T. (2021). Exploring the Impact of Internet Accessibility in Implementation of Technology-based Pedagogy for Science in Malaysian Primary Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(1), 339–353.
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