ISSN: 2226-6348
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Objective of the present study was to investigate relationship between intellectual characteristics and academic achievement motivation of educational sciences students of Isfahan city. The variables studied in this research were: (1) capacity and ability of individual to exalt, (2) ability of high level experiment from self-awareness, (3) ability of investigation and strainness of experiments and activities, (4) ability to employ intellectual resources in life problem-solving, and (5) ability to do virtuous acts.
Population of the study was all educational sciences students of Isfahan city in academic year of 211-12. 370 male and female students were selected through stratified random sampling technique. Tools used in the present study were Academic Achievement Motivation (AAM) and Intellectual Characteristics (IC) questionnaires developed by the investigator. Content validity and retest reliability procedures were used to measure validity and reliability of the tools, respectively. To analyze the data, simple regression, multiple regression, factor analysis and secretion coefficient methods were applied. The findings showed that there was not a significant relationship between capacity and ability for straining of the works. However, a significant relationship was found between intellectual characteristics and academic achievement motive. Also, the findings indicate that factors, namely, ability to employ intellectual resources in life problem-solving, and ability of investigation and strainness of experiments and activities had the most effect on motive.
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In-Text Citation: (Nasrabadi et al., 2013)
To Cite this Article: Nasrabadi, H. B., Heshi, K. N., Nadi, M. H., Tavakolnia, M., & Najafi, H. (2013). Investigating Relationship between Intellectual Characteristics and Academic Achievement Motive among Educational Sciences Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(1), 199–208.
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