ISSN: 2226-6348
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School based management (SBM) has been introduced recently in public schools of Oman. The aim of this policy is to decentralize the authorities from center to the local schools. In line with this aim, this study had the attempt to investigate the views of principals regarding SBM as a management tool. This paper used the qualitative approach, using multiple- case study in which data were collected through interviews, observation and documents analysis. The participants in this study were principals, assistant principals, senior teachers, and teachers. Data revealed that participants expressed divergent views concerning the SBM system in Oman. They considered the SBM system is a complex and multifaceted concept comprising many elements and these elements can be interpreted differently, have different emphasis and serve different purposes.
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In-Text Citation: (AL-Ghefeili & Hoque, 2013)
To Cite this Article: AL-Ghefeili, A. A. A., & Hoque, K. E. (2013). School-Based Management in Oman: Principals’ Views and Understanding. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2), 1–10.
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