ISSN: 2226-6348
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The study examined the phytochemical and proximate constituents of the leaves of Pterocarpus soyansii and Pterocarpus santalinoides grown in Abia State Nigeria. The result of the phytochemicals indicates that the concentration of tannins (0.31±0.01) was higher in P. soyansii than in P. santalinoides which contained (0.23±0.01). Pterocarpus santalinoides contained more alkaloids (0.63±0.02), saponins (0.35±0.01), phenols (0.15±0.01), steroids (0.11±0.01) while P. soyansii contained (0.41±0.01) of alkaloids, (0.24±0.01) of saponins, (0.15±0.01) of phenols and (0.07±0.01) of steroids. Quantitative estimates of other phytochemicals showed that P. santalinoides contained significantly higher concentration of flavonoids (0.74±0.01), phytic acid (0.42±0.01), oxalates (0.38 0.01) and hydrogen cyanide (1.74±0.01) as compared to P. soyansii
which contained (0.49±0.01) of flavonoids, (0.34±0.01) of phytic acid, (0.27±0.01) of oxalates and (1.01±0.01) of hydrogen cyanide. These substances may be responsible for the medicinal and nutritional activities of the plants. The result of the proximate analysis clearly shows that the leaves of both species of Pterocarpus have high nutritional value. Pterocarpus soyansii had higher significant (p<0.05) concentration of moisture content (11.35±0.04), ash content (9.46±0.02), crude fibre (11.52±0.01) and crude protein of (19.74±0.01) as compared to P. santalinoides which contained moisture content (10.74±0.02), ash content (7.83±0.052), crude fibre (9.46±0.05) and crude protein (16.32±0.01).
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In-Text Citation: (Ndukwe & Ikpeama, 2013)
To Cite this Article: Ndukwe, O. K., & Ikpeama, A. (2013). Comparative Evalutation of the Phytochemical and Proximate Constituents of Oha (Pterocarpus Soyansii) and Nturukpa (Pterocarpus Santalinoides) Leaves. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(2), 68–77.
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