ISSN: 2226-6348
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The English proficiency level of ESL learners will be affected by enrolling emotions in English language classes. The aim of this research is to analyse the dominant emotions in learning English as a Second Language (ESL) through reading and writing skills by focusing on three positive emotions (enjoyment, hope and pride) and three negative emotions (anxiety, shame and boredom). Thus, a quantitative research design was carried out by involving (n=120) pre-services teachers from a public university in Malaysia. The results revealed that the dominant positive emotions in learning English reading skill was pride while the dominant positive emotions in learning English writing skill was hope. Meanwhile, both skills shared the same emotion of anxiety as the dominant negative emotions. The findings of this study strongly supported the involvement of emotions in the ESL settings. Hence, ESL educators are encouraged to design and formulate an engaging learning environment that ignites more activating positive emotions than negative emotions in the educational settings which would result in better enhancement mainly in the context of ESL learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Mokhtar et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Mokhtar, Z. M., Amran, M. S., & Roslee, M. J. (2021). With Emotions, We Learn: Understanding Emotions in Learning English as A Second Language (ESL). International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 10(3), 361–372.
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