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Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2308-0876


Social Capital, Collectivism and Development by Ran Bijay Narain Sinha, Janaki Prakashan, Patna, India (2016)

Suman K Singh

Open access

A model of development that finds equal resonance across societies continues to elude professionals. The much-touted theory that trickle-down effect of economic abundance ensures development in all spheres, is already busted. The Indian paradox proves the point where consistent economic growth exists with incommensurate gains in social development. The inconsistencies of the post-globalization world are increasingly intriguing social scientists of all hues. What is however clearly emerging is the predominance of socio-cultural context within which developmental activities take place, throwing newer challenges for inclusive development models. The present work by R B N Sinha is an attempt to take the discussion forward by exploring a combination of social factors critical to inclusive development in an Indian setting.


In-Text Citation: (Singh, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Singh, S. K. (2018). Social Capital, Collectivism and Development by Ran Bijay Narain Sinha, Janaki Prakashan, Patna, India (2016): Book Review. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 6(1), 63–65.