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Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2308-0876


Difficulties in Learning Turkish as a Second Language by Greek-Speaking Students: A Teaching Model

Nikolaos Liazos, Dimitra Markati

Open access

This paper explores the difficulties that Greek-speaking students are facing while they are learning the Turkish language as a foreign one. These difficulties can be mainly found in the different structure of the target language in relation to the student’s native language and in the fact that they have few oral opportunities in their Greek-speaking environment. From this perspective, the support of oral communication skills represents one of the most important points that the teaching process must deal with. By having already analyzed the recent modern methods of productive skills of verbal communication on the Turkish language as foreign language and by taking into consideration the lack of relevant complete activities in the using learning textbooks, the formalization of a specific teaching proposal is being attempted. By using a narrative text of a Turkish-speaking textbook as a reference point for the Turkish language learning as a foreign language for foreign language speakers, which is been usually used during the teaching of Turkish language at the Greek Higher Education it is been proposed a complete teaching model of the verbal communication with activities which are aiming to cover the Greek-speaking students’ specific learning needs.

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In-Text Citation: (Liazos & Markati, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Liazos, N., & Markati, D. (2018). Difficulties in Learning Turkish as a Second Language by Greek-speaking Students: A teaching model. Multilingual Academic Journal of Education and Social Sciences, 6(1), 35–47 (in Greek).